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webMD portal
A-Z drug, A-Z conditions, Drug news from webMD
portal dedicated to the french hospital ecosystem
A-Z drug lookup from RXlist site FDA Approved Drugs
FDA Approved Drugs from website
European Pharmacopoeia News
European Pharmacopoeia News
Pharma glossary (english)
Pharma english glossary section of the Pharma Marketing Network platform
The Lancet
The lancet portal
HAS Haute Autorité de Santé
News & events from the European Medicines Agency
News & events from the European Medicines Agency
(Assurance Maladie) Drug/health product Price information from the French national health service DB
look-up official pricing data from the French national health insurance
English site dedicated to educational general business content.
reference document from the ansm (french drug security national agency)
ANSM entry point to drug related reference document
Job section of the French leem organisation
Les entreprises du médicament <>The drug companies
Health section of european union site
entry point to reference source from the european union
official source of French law and legal texts
Heath On the Net Label
website of HON label
RX drugs data sheets
German and French language version avaimable of the Swiss drugs compendium
Vidal (drug lookup section)
Drugs and healthcare resources from the historic French actor "VIDAL"
NHS conditions A to Z
Direct access to NHS conditions A to Z