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Banque de Donnés en Santé Publique (BDSP)
archive du contenu BDSP
website dedicated to medical biology
YAHOO health news (French)
YAHOO health news (French)
digital resources from the Paris Libraries of sciences
access point to digital resources
APHP public hospital of Paris
Site of the public hospitals of Paris
National Directory of Social and Sanitary Structures of France
archive of Medcost site
archive of Medcost site
CNOM national council of physicians
Internet site of the french national council of physicians (Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins)
la tribune (Chimie and Pharmacy section)
la tribune (Chimie and Pharmacy section)
National and Territories insights with demographic, social, health, trends angle of views
Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics (IRDES)
Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics (IRDES)
Ordre national des pharmaciens
Ordre national des pharmaciens (French pharmacists association) portal
Portal dedicated to the pharmacies ecosystem
French association of regulatory affairs
institut national d'études démographiques
french institute of demographics. Provide French Demographic/Health data
réseau d'évaluation en économie de la santé
site dedicated to medeconomie
French "Health" Google News selection
French "Health" Google News selection
OCDE (OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC) Organisation de coopérationet de développement économiques (OCDE)
Astera (Cerp)
French drug wholesaler Astera group site, with resources aimed at pharmacyst' people
vidal portal home
French Vidal drug/health portal home. Both pro and consumer gate